Thursday, February 27, 2020

Improve your digestive health with popular food combining chart

Food combining is the process of a specific combination of foods to promote good health and weight loss. The term food combination denotes a nutritious approach that provides guidance through food combining chart about which food you should eat together to get the best health benefits. The best thing about food combining is that it advocates and informs about the specific food that should be eaten at a particular time. The food combining is becoming popular day by day due to its beneficial principle approaches.

 The main reason for your negative digestive and health consequences is due to the traffic jam in the digestive tract by the combination of fast-digestive food with the slow-digestive food. This negative digestive and health consequences could be prevented by the proper combination of food. The food combining chart is designed to make your digestive system quick and efficient by providing different ways to free up some extra energy.

Popular and simple rules of food combining
  1. Do not combine the starches with proteins. As you know, in the intestine, the food putrefies, and with the combination of starch and protein, your blood could become acidic. Hence to avoid any disease, try to eat the starches and protein separately. And it is better to eat protein with non-starchy vegetables. 
  2. Always eat fruits in the morning in an empty stomach and do not eat fruits afternoon, as it may lead to poor digestion. Especially melons should be eaten in an empty stomach. 
  3. Eating starches and sugars together should be avoided as it is a bad combination as the sweets contain bad fats, and it refined carbohydrates as well as it is additives. 
  4. The combination of proteins and sugars is a gaseous food combination, so eating it together should be avoided. 
  5. Do not combine the starches with acidic foods; it will keep your digestive system properly.
The above mentioned are some of the rules for food combinations that should be followed. If you want to get the proper food combining chart, then visit the website: