Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Little things you should know about Raw chocolate powder

Raw chocolate is a natural, delicious, and beneficial aphrodisia. Raw chocolate is also known as raw cacao, not to be confused for cocoa. Raw cacao is made by cold-pressing raw cacao beans which ensures that no nutrients are lost by heat treating. Whereas cocoa beans are roasted and then heavily processed. Raw chocolate powder maintains its nutritional profile making it a superfood loaded with flavonoids and magnesium.

Where does chocolate (cacao) come from? How is chocolate made?

You will be surprised to know that chocolate (cacao) actually does grow on trees! Raw chocolate comes from beans which are grown in cacao trees that are native to Central and South America. It is also grown commercially and approximately 70% of the world’s cacao is grown in Africa.
Raw cacao is the perfect way to satisfy your all time cravings for chocolate without overloading your system with fats and processed sugar. So there is no stopping yourself for having that drooling taste of chocolate from now on. You can load up on this superfood because there are number of amazing health benefits of consuming raw chocolate powder such as:-
  1. Combats Fatigue
  2. Improves Mood and Balances Mood Swings 
  3. Makes your Skin Glow
  4. Prevents Premature Aging
  5. Combats Tooth Decay
  6. Improves Digestion
  7. Soothes Coughing Fits 
  8. Improves Cognitive Function 
  9. Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  10. Healthy Source of Fats
The best thing about this superfood is that you can have all its associated benefits with wonderful taste. Mostly people complain that the healthy food is not very good in taste, but no not in the case of raw chocolate powder. With these lip smacking recipes you’ll be in love with this superfood:-
  • Raw chocolate holiday fudge
  • Raw chocolate espresso pie
  • Raw chocolate candy apple wedges
  • Raw chocolate brownie recipe
  • Raw chocolate tacos
  • Raw chocolate chia seed pudding
  • Raw chocolate cookies
  • Raw chocolate raspberry brownies
  • Raw chocolate swirl cheesecake
  • Raw chocolate Halloween candies
Raw Cacao Superfoods for health & wellness are rich in antioxidants, magnesium, zinc, anandamide & PEA. Only the highest quality Arriba Cacao is used in its making, which makes it the smoothest, richest chocolate in the world. 

So if you wish to get your hands on such amazing superfoods you can visit ‘’ and nourish you mind, body and soul with their products.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Remineralize Teeth the Natural Way with Ancient Foods

Visit to a dentist is a part and parcel of everyone’s life story since their early childhood. Howsoever dreadful it may seem; it’s nevertheless unavoidable. What if you one day learn that the cavities and tooth decay can be cured naturally? As unbelievable as it may seem, certain ancient foods help remineralize teeth and give you a charming grin.

Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)

Vitamin D as we all know is a major source of building strong teeth and bones along with averting gingivitis and being anti-inflammatory. Vitamin D is responsible for making calcium available to your body further helping in teeth remineralizing. In case the levels of Vitamin D are low in your body, the necessary calcium fails to reach your teeth, thus making them weak and prone to periodontal disease. 

Having good levels of Vitamin D is crucial since it’s responsible for a process called cementum that assists in binding your teeth to the bones of your mouth. 

Trace Mineral Drops

Ocean water is the most natural way one can opt for and adding trace mineral drops in your water can help prevent the breakage of your teeth enamel by alkalizing your mouth. You are directly helping in the process to remineralize teeth by providing trace minerals. The salty taste of this water enhances the saliva production in your mouth keeping it alkaline. 

It is, however, important to get your saliva’s PH level checked regularly since it can turn out to be acidic in case your diet’s overly acidic in nature. 

Vitamin Rich Butter Oil

Vitamin K, as contrary to the past reports, works towards increasing special proteins that work together to distribute a good amount of calcium and phosphorous in one’s bones and teeth. At the same time, calcification of soft tissues in your arteries and kidneys is also prevented with the intake of Vitamin K. 

This is just the small part of a very broad and detailed concept to remineralize teeth the natural way. is one such online portal that illustrates in detail the approach to be followed in case you are squandering money on dentist visits and are finding ways to cavity healing and regrowing tooth enamel.