Monday, January 27, 2020

Amazing benefits of black seed oil

Black seeds are produced by the small flowering shrubs called Nigella Savita which are of purple or white colour. These tiny black seeds which are obtained in the form of fruit from these shrubs are of enormous importance. The oil extracted from the black seeds have been used since ages for multipurpose. Black seed oil benefits a lot of people by relieving them from their pain or suffering.

Given below are some of the amazing benefits of black seed oil one must know: 

The black seed oil has proven to show antifungal activity and thus it's an effective agent in fighting with Candida Albicans (fungal) infection. Candida Albicans is a kind of yeast that has the potential to grow all over the body, beginning from the vagina, causing a disease called candidiasis. 
  • Consumption of this oil can help to reduce blood cholesterol levels. The black seed oil is rich in fatty acids such as linoleic acids and oleic acid, which lowers the bad cholesterol level in the body. 
  • Black seed oil benefits in relieving stomach pain or cramps too. This oil has found to significantly reduce the instances of stomach upset. It also helps to combat the gas problem, stomach bloating along with reducing the incidences of stomach ulcers.
  • The black seed oil is also found to possess anti-inflammatory properties; thus, it reduces the symptoms of asthma and reliefs asthma patients to a great extent. By reducing the inflammation in the air passage, it could help to improve bronchitis symptoms too.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of black seed oil also helps in improving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • As per one study, it is found that taking black seed extract for 2 months can lower the blood pressure in patients with mildly raised blood pressure. Thus, it also helps to maintain the blood pressure too.
  • The black seed oil has adequate antioxidant properties too. Hence, it's consumption can make the skin better and can reduce the inflammation too. 
The healing functions of the black seed oil have made it medicinally important. knowing to black seed oil benefits, more and more people have started incorporating it in their lives. Though it has a bitter taste, adding it while cooking your favorite food could also help in gaining the benefits of this wonderful oil. For more information, please click on

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